CounterSocial Life-Support
CounterSocial is five years old and we are approaching 160,000 users. We have created a social media platform that counters trolls, bots, and nefarious or fake accounts and fake news to give people a great experience enjoying all the benefits of a casual, happy way to be social online without harassment. All with baked-in privacy, identity breach alerts, LIVE streaming TV, before-its-news incident alerts, secure file-sharing, NO ADS and more!
This has been achieved primarily with the money, time and expertise of ONE person, for over five years single-handedly. Our new optional subscription Pro accounts service is picking up, but subscriptions at this point are not nearly enough to offset the costs.
Creating and maintaining a social media platform and network isn’t easy and it isn’t cheap. Moral support is great, but the cost of supporting COSO – the cost of servers, bandwidth, disk space, security, backups, development and marketing– isn’t currently met by the subscriptions. Over time we hope pro account subscriptions will make CoSo self-sustaining, but until then we truly could use some financial support.
We set up this campaign to ensure and secure another 5 years breathing space to develop new features, finally invest in some actual marketing, maintain what we've already built and grow our Pro accounts base to a self-sustaining level.
I've steered away from increasing Pro account subscription costs while all the time adding new features, veered away from monetizing via adding sponsored content or ads, and swerved away from traditional VC investments, to keep our platform as grassroots and uncorruptable as possible - and it's taken a lot of pride-swallowing to put out this call for crowd-sourced help.
With a little generosity and luck this should be the only time we ask for help.
We are building a revolution in responsible social media. Come on in. Congregate. Create. Collaborate. Contribute. Together, we’ve got this.
You can verify this is a legitimate CounterSocial fundraising initiative by visiting:
Donor Wall1277
JanNAUT | $13.37
#BuyJesterABeer #EliteBeer
Sea Anemone | $5
Nikki | $5
Anony Marsh | $500
stuey playyyyyyyed guitarrrrrrrrr... 😜 🕷️👽
Anonymous | $100
I couldn't stand the suspense, being so close to 100%! LOL...
NorthernBassist | $50
Anonymous | $111
In memory of Skylar Wolf.
Faay | $3
Puuuushhhh it over! ;)
Jan | $13.37
#EliteDollardrive I hope the GATOR is OK. 🐊
Anonymous | $54
$3.00 drive (great idea) - so this is for the 18 days I've been missing my bud, Gator. (Nanawithsoul)
M | $3
#CoSoLove #gratitude 3-dollar drive :)
Anonymous | $3
#3DollarDrive ~ Great idea Panda. ~ @Toni_Walker
Beanc Beanc | $500
Stueysong auction
ShowDemKitties BeBe | $100
Because CoSo is special and very much worth it...and also cats.
Knitpurrl | $10
#3DollarDrive for myself & Mr. Goat’s Moma dog & Pups
Chuck | $6
#3DollarDrive (for myself and a friend)
Raspberry | $3
D D | $100
By DD Glover and SBG: Donation to celebrate a visit irl by another awesome CoSoNaut.
Sea Anemone | $100
M | $250
#CoSoLove #gratitude let's get 100% funded
Novels | $160
Nana’s auction.
Anonymous | $25
Stickers are awesome
Rebecca | $100
Another refugee from Twitter seeking a platform that understands the rules of engagement created for an analog world aren't sufficient in the digital one.
Diane | $100
Keeping our online Home Safe Thanks Jay
Anonymous | $25
Anti-kurt pledge, even though he got the snacks :P Go Coso
Anonymous | $301
Team CookieWaffen!!!! (kurt)
Anonymous | $5
#Cookiewaffen pledge
M | $125
#CoSoLove #cosoauction many thanks to M. Kovacs for the beautiful ring <3
Anony Marsh | $300
Marshsortium team #CookieWaffen
Elaine Barlow | $100
Glad to continue to support CoSo ♥