




Choir is just chillin' at the Ranch! Bob is her favorite! Labs and More Dog Rescue is San Diego’s fastest growing and most active dog rescue organization. Cheryl & I started fostering and volunteering for Labs and More Dog Rescue 8 years ago! In that time we have fostered hundreds of puppies and adult dogs in our home!

 And were so happy to help them find their forever homes! It's such an amazing feeling to watch them leave with their new families.  Many of them come to us scared and in pain. Seeing them heal and gain confidence is a wonderful thing.

  We hope you will help us reach our goal to support Labs and More in our Howl-O-Ween Mutt Run fundraiser. Your support is greatly appreciated! Register to run here; https://bit.ly/MuttRun22   We are a 100% volunteer run, non profit 501(c)3 organization.

Labs and More is a 501C 3 Tax Exempt Rescue

Donor Wall 3

Joanne Fountain | $250

Stacy Johnson | $53.11

Appreciate all you and Cheryl do!

Cheryl Petermann | $53.11

For Shakespeare!