




In 2022 I have continued my efforts to volunteer with Labs and More. At times Michael and I foster dogs like frosted face Hayward. I have also continued to help photograph dogs like Eggo (she was found on the streets pregnant, gave birth to puppies and was then in need of a forever home of her own) in the hopes of helping their forever families find them while searching online. Helping dogs like the Hayward and Eggo is part of #whywerun at the #MuttRun. Please help by making a donation to my personal page raising money for the rescue and the 5K Mutt Run which will be held on Oct 29th 2022.

Labs and More Dog Rescue has rescued more than 13,000 dogs since its inception in 2011. Please donate by clicking the link and help us continue to save dogs. We are a 100% volunteer run, non profit 501(c)3 organization.  

Thank you so much for your help!

Labs and More is a 501C 3 Tax Exempt Rescue

Donor Wall 5

Linda Paulson | $50

Toni and John | $500

Phyllis | $100

Karl Robins | $100

Courtney Chandler | $50

Rocco loves Debora!