Support 3i HoME






The need for individuals to have decent, safe, affordable, community-based housing that provides them with the rights of tenancy and linkages to voluntary and flexible supports and services is critical, as the lack of affordable and accessible housing is a significant barrier to community integration for people who use long-term services and supports.

*Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program – Partnership Toolkit – 9/19/2019 page 3

OUR MISSION: to create Independent community based living options for adults with disabilities through Innovative affordable housing and Integrated support services. 

We believe that people with disabilities have the right to independent and fulfilling lives. For many of our friends, neighbors and family members, this right depends on affordable, accessible and supportive housing. 

Coordinated, person centered, self-directed support services that are must be available so that needless ER visits and hospitalizations are avoided.  

Together with POAH, we are developing a new model of independent living options to replace the antiquated bias of institutional isolation. Our most vulnerable citizens should have choice and not be relegated to placement in nursing facilities or to life on the streets. 

In partnership with our co-developer, Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), 3i HoME is designing a fully-accessible affordable residential building in Scarborough, Maine. Our building will be located in the vibrant Town Center at The Downs. Our community of affordable rental apartments will be home to 51 households in which at least one member is disabled. In addition to the private rental apartments, the project will feature a common living area for social activities, a designated work space for service providers and a mobility and assistive technology hub.


The apartments will be designed according to principles of Universal Design for easy mobility with or without a wheelchair. Bathrooms, kitchens and all living areas will be barrier free and the entire building will be wired for adaptable environmental controls and smart home functionality.

We invite you to join us in this effort by contributing to 3i HoME today.  Your generous tax deductible donation will provide critical funding for this pilot initiative, assist us in creating strong partnerships with key stakeholders, and help us obtain the requisite technology for Maine's first 3i HoME Residence.   

We are grateful for your support of and interest in 3i HoME!  

3i Housing of Maine ("3i HoME") is a 501(c)(3) approved non-profit corporation (EIN 85-2568325). All contributions are eligible for federal income tax charitable deductions per IRS regulations. To learn more about our mission, plans and key participants or to seek additional information please visit Thank you.