2025 Lancaster Avenue Jazz & Arts Festival Sponsorship
Contact Jacqui Flynn at jflynn@hopephl.org with questions, or use the donor form to sign up now.
Click here to download the Sponsorship Brochure!
Returning Sponsor Discount: Returning sponsors confirmed by April 30, 2025, receive a 20% discount.
Early-Bird Discount: New sponsors confirmed by March 31, 2025, receive a 10% discount.
Presenting sponsorship for all three pop-ups includes logo recognition on SEPTA ads, and a full-page newsletter ad.
All Sponsors receive free Promo Items: Festival t-shirt, newsletter, and Goody Bag.
+ Sponsorship commitment and ad must be received by 5/3/2025 for inclusion in the newsletter.
* Items for Goody Bag must be received by 6/28/25.
** Marketing Collateral Includes: website, social media, e-newsletter, printed materials and signage.
If you wish to fulfill a partnership by check, please make it payable to HopePHL and send it to:
Jacqui Flynn
Re: Jazz Festival Sponsorship
325 N. 39th Street, Philadelphia PA 19104