2025 Fundraising Campaign






2025’s primary fund raiser will be in October when we tackle our first under 24 hour Ultra Event: The Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim. Totaling 43 miles and 12,000 feet of elevation change we will be focusing our events building up to this to have us ready for the challenge.

In May, I’ll be traveling to Mallorca, Spain to compete in a 70.3 Iron Man, and then traveling to Couer d’Alene, Idaho to compete in a second 70.3 in June.

July, we’ll be climbing the highest point in the Alps at 15,777: Mont Blanc.

In addition to the events above, we have launched a secondary program aimed at making facing your own mental and physical challenges more tangible. We recognize climbing isn’t for everyone, and that sometimes just lacing up your running shoes to own part of the day is enough. Miles 4 Mental Health will now be the program that we run any race under. In an effort to assign value to the impact exercise, and making a choice to not give up, has on overcoming mental health challenges I’ll be donating a $1 of my own money for every mile I put under my belt in the 4 disciples: swim, bike, run, climbing. I’ll be setting a personal goal of hitting 5,000 miles in 2025. If you’d like to run your own personal challenge, and match $0.10, $0.05 or $0.01 per mile please repost with the #Miles4MentalHealth

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Always believe. Keep going.