Amy Bowers
Fundraising on behalf of Hope Story, Inc.
Fundraising on behalf of Hope Story, Inc.
Growing up my encounters with those diagnosed with Down Syndrome was minimal. When I joined the Bowers Family that all changed. Little did I know my husband's uncle Tim was about to give me a whole new outlook on life. I became one of Tim's favorites, and he became one of mine. I watched him struggle to speak as plain as the rest of us, but we always knew what he was saying. I watched him struggle to walk like the rest of us, but he always got where he was going. I watched as he lost the love of his life, his Honey (his Mom), but he kept on living. He could be happy to see you one minute, and ready for you to be on your way the next, but most of all he LOVED big. He loved Jesus, his family, The Georgia Bulldogs, Dale Earnhart and chicken. Doctors thought he would only be here a few years, but Tim had other plans and 65 years later, he had left his mark here on earth. Being in the field of education I have encountered many children with a Down Syndrome. These families have a different set of challenges, and a little help can go a long way. One thing I was never able to see was Tim running or even walking a long distance, something I can do. I have decided to raise donations by completing 19.3 miles of running and walking in the 2024 Disney World Springtime Surprise Weekend for families of children like Tim. Hope Story provides resources, support, and hope to families whose child has received a Down syndrome diagnosis. Thank you for considering a donation to meet my goal by April 1, 2024
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