Saugus High School's, Parent, Teacher, Student Organization (PTSO), is a non-profit partnership between parents, educators, and students, dedicated to the promotion, support, and enrichment of our school.
The PTSO, through membership donations, community fundraising, and an annual holiday boutique, successfully raise thousands of dollars for Senior scholarships, Teacher of the Year awards, school supplies for children in need, and special appreciation events for our wonderful teachers, school administrators, and support staff. The PTSO hosts six annual campus meetings, where parents, students, teachers, and our administrative team are invited to hear, and discuss campus updates, receive the latest district news, engage with guest speakers, and share the challenges and the successes of our high school student's.
The $25.00 per family. Donations are crucial to the success and function of PTSO. Each donation includes a membership, and an opportunity for current Seniors, or future Seniors to earn financial scholarships.
The PTSO welcomes parent volunteers, and any involvement is meaningful and rewarding.
Saugus High School's, Parent, Teacher, Student Organization (PTSO), is a non-profit partnership between parents, educators, and students, dedicated to the promotion, support, and enrichment of our school.
The PTSO, through membership donations, community fundraising, and an annual holiday boutique, successfully raise thousands of dollars for Senior scholarships, Teacher of the Year awards, school supplies for children in need, and special appreciation events for our wonderful teachers, school administrators, and support staff.
The PTSO hosts six annual campus meetings, where parents, students, teachers, and our administrative team are invited to hear, and discuss campus updates, receive the latest district news, engage with guest speakers, and share the challenges and the successes of our high school student's.
The $25.00 annual donation per family donations are crucial to the success and function of PTSO. Each donation includes a membership, and an opportunity for current Seniors, or future Seniors to earn financial scholarships.
The PTSO welcomes parent volunteers, and any involvement is meaningful and rewarding.