We are a 501c not for profit organization. Consult with your tax consultant as to the donations tax aplpication.
Donor Wall (28)
Steven Shapiro | $100
Thanks for keeping history alive.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. DOOMED.
Suzanne Phillips
We so enjoy the newsletter!
Suzanne Phillips and Ann Hudson
Alice Thurston
Julie Polk | $100
Thank you for creating and sharing this incredible resource!
Kristen Westmoreland
In memory of Judy Brown Hollinshead
Alice Thurston
In honor of Judy Brown Hollinshead
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mary Socolof and the rest of the contributors at the Cragsmoor Historical Society for their significant efforts in discovering both old and new history for the betterment of our present community and future generations.
Harriet Borton
Remembering my dear sister, Judy Brown Hollinshead.
Harriet Borton
Ellie Holllinshead
In the name of Judy Brown Hollinshead, and with loving memories. Always in our hearts.
Ellie Hollinshead and Rey
Leslie Croyder
In loving memory of Judith Brown Hollinshead
Leslie, Emma and Gillis Linde
Joseph & Maryanna Murtagh
In memory of Chuck Matz
Frances Young | $100
david weldon | $25
Put this towards the Halloween hayride and sweets for the children .
Joe | $50
“Baker Does Beethoven” looks amazing and so excited to be seeing.
Persia | $250
Helen Thurston
You are doing so much for Cragsmoor. Thank you. Helen Thurston and John Losk
Donor Wall (28)
Steven Shapiro | $100
Thanks for keeping history alive.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. DOOMED.
Suzanne Phillips
We so enjoy the newsletter! Suzanne Phillips and Ann Hudson
Alice Thurston
Julie Polk | $100
Thank you for creating and sharing this incredible resource!
Kristen Westmoreland
In memory of Judy Brown Hollinshead
Alice Thurston
In honor of Judy Brown Hollinshead
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mary Socolof and the rest of the contributors at the Cragsmoor Historical Society for their significant efforts in discovering both old and new history for the betterment of our present community and future generations.
Harriet Borton
Remembering my dear sister, Judy Brown Hollinshead.
Harriet Borton
Ellie Holllinshead
In the name of Judy Brown Hollinshead, and with loving memories. Always in our hearts. Ellie Hollinshead and Rey
Leslie Croyder
In loving memory of Judith Brown Hollinshead Leslie, Emma and Gillis Linde
Joseph & Maryanna Murtagh
In memory of Chuck Matz
Frances Young | $100
david weldon | $25
Hi, Put this towards the Halloween hayride and sweets for the children .
Joe | $50
“Baker Does Beethoven” looks amazing and so excited to be seeing.
Persia | $250
Helen Thurston
You are doing so much for Cragsmoor. Thank you. Helen Thurston and John Losk
Mary & David McAlpin
Steve & Nancy Shapiro | $100
Daniel Socolof | $50
Mary and David | $50
Nate Dogg
Persia | $200
Annual membership for Persia & Jarrett
Suzanne Phillips | $50
Virginia Malin Spadaccini | $25