




Labs and More 10th Annual Mutt Run October 28th!

As a Founder and Foster Home for Labs and More over the past 11 years Tristen and I have opened our home to over 2,250 dogs. Some of these dogs in the most desperate fight of their life. Suffering painful illnesses, broken from being beaten or hit by cars, and those left to endure the horrible pain of starving. Today, we ask for your help raising $135,000 that will be used to continue this life saving work.  Providing medical care for dogs suffering from unimaginable injuries is true to our Mission.  

My story is about Hayden rescued in the later stages in the painful progression of starvation along with serious and massive wounds. Frail and alone he found loving arms who cared enough to bring him to us. After many days of care in the hospital we were not seeing improvement in his condition and we were contemplating humanely letting him go. I asked if he could come home with me and I would administer all his care. We all agreed and  felt that was his last and only chance at life.  

We began putting warming blankets around him, sitting with him for hours, and giving him one on one care. At only 18lbs getting him to eat was the challenge and we cooked every type of appropriate food and finally found his favorite meal. He slowly began to eat! His wounds slowly started to heal and he began to gain energy. It has been a long journey but this sweet boy is finally able to have quality in his life.  

Sadly when we took him back to the vet for follow up tests we received the worst news we could imagine. Living in such horrific conditions affected his body in ways we could not fix. Today Hayden is living his best life until he isn't! He is going on walks, playing with toys, sleeping by our side and kissing us good night. We are thrilled with each day he wags his tail!

There are so many dogs like Hayden who have been blessed by your generosity. Please join us in redemming the cruelty others have done to these special animals. We have a choice, that they do not. Please help us help them.  

Sweet Hayden praying for hope...

Your support and care will help thousands of dogs, just like these precious souls

Left to live until she suffered and passed...Journey is now getting life saving care!Aloe hit by a car and left along a road is now walking and learning to be a dog. 

Too many babies alone fighting for life. 

Thank you for caring enough to help!