100 x 100






Our current ‘100 x 100 Campaign To Educate Afghan Children Campaign’ seeks 100 people who can donate $100/month to help support Afghan children’s education for the next 24 months as part of our ‘Enlighten A Mind’ program.  

The monthly donations will help take children selling items on the streets to support their families and move them into a classroom setting. They will receive: 

- Remedial education for 12 months in preparation for private elementary education (basic reading and writing, math, science, social studies) 

- A monthly stipend to help support their families so they don’t have pressure of working on the streets 

- Backpack, school supplies, transportation, food 

- Health/eye exams and therapeutic extracurricular activities such as field trips and art instruction (with budget allowing)

- Entrance into a private elementary school for continual formal education after the 12 months.

You will receive access to a private Google Drive where you can see updates on the program.