$10 for My Town

We need your help! Help us continue to Revitalize Downtown


We are working to make downtown Oregon City the "living room" of our community, a place where you will want to hang out with friends and family.  Some of our immediate goals include:


  • A clean & safe district.

  • Light Canopy across Main Street

  • Oregon City’s most loved events including the First City Celebration, Oregon Trail Brew Fest, Oregon Trail® Game 5k, Trick or Treat on Main Street, Oregon City Tree Lighting, Cruise to Downtown Oregon City Car Show, and many more.

  • Enhancements to the Oregon City Municipal Elevator.

  • Solutions to some of Downtown’s most challenging problems, including access to parking, connectivity to adjacent neighborhoods, and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

  • Advocacy for thoughtful redevelopment and the preservation of our historic places.


We are asking each citizen of Oregon City to contribute $10 to DOCA to help complete our vision.  With your help, we will succeed in transforming downtown into a place where you will feel proud to take your family and friends.

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 26-2907232. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.