$10 for My Town
We need your help! Help us continue to Revitalize Downtown
We are working to make downtown Oregon City the "living room" of our community, a place where you will want to hang out with friends and family. Some of our immediate goals include:
A clean & safe district.
Light Canopy across Main Street
Oregon City’s most loved events including the First City Celebration, Oregon Trail Brew Fest, Oregon Trail® Game 5k, Trick or Treat on Main Street, Oregon City Tree Lighting, Cruise to Downtown Oregon City Car Show, and many more.
Enhancements to the Oregon City Municipal Elevator.
Solutions to some of Downtown’s most challenging problems, including access to parking, connectivity to adjacent neighborhoods, and opportunities for entrepreneurship.
Advocacy for thoughtful redevelopment and the preservation of our historic places.
We are asking each citizen of Oregon City to contribute $10 to DOCA to help complete our vision. With your help, we will succeed in transforming downtown into a place where you will feel proud to take your family and friends.