The Valerie Clawson "Strength In Numbers" Award






The Valerie Clawson "Strength In Numbers" Fund, was originally a fundraiser for her family, to raise funds for Jason (husband) Cooper and Boston (sons) in aiding them with expenses from Valerie's hard fought battle with Colon Cancer. From the start, The Clawson's received an out pouring of support both financially and emotionally during this time of grief. Yet, their first notion was to find a way to give back to the community, because of amount of charity given to them. Valerie, though in severe pain, cared more about those that came to serve her, than her own suffering.

This is the credo of the TCM Foundation, which raises money for those in need of financial aid for expenses caused by chronic disease.  Considering that the TCM Foundation hadn't had a name to put behind this grant, that they distribute with every event that they do, Valerie Clawson and her family, kept coming up every time.

So now The TCM Foundation would like to announce that the nominee who receives these funds, will be known to have Valerie's spirit and her families tenacity have inspired the name of the grant to be known as "The Valerie Clawson 'Strength in Numbers' Fund.

This Fund will be used to hit the goal of 1000 families/individuals/or contributions to organization in need of aid in regards to educating, training or personally dealing with a chronic illness.  Its to inspire a community health initiative that was influenced by the methodology of Greg Glassmans' Crossfit, as well as the personal experiences with chronic disease of the foundations founder and CEO, Chase Chaco Comrie.

This family has been selected because of their struggle with chronic disease, and need some financial help to continue to live a prosperous and long life. 


AUGUST 30-31st

The Valerie Clawson Award: Nominee Presentation

Valerie Clawson passed away of Colon Cancer June 12, 2019. She had fought cancer long and hard, as all valiant soldiers against the disease do.  Jason and the boys have been selected by the TCM Foundation, in order to help them in being able to help disperse the funds, and celebrate the life of their beloved mother/wife in finding a family to bless.  

The foundation in using the event tickets and sales from, "The Southwest Championships" "Champions Never Stop, Live Performance" on AUGUST 30-31st, as well as any donations from this page to make this happen. We want to present The Nominee that we choose, at the opening ceremonies, of The Southwest Championships charity competition, on August 30th, 2019 at THE UCCU CENTER ARENA. We would like to present them with funds  donated from your efforts to support this family in need. These funds will come from your donations and the mission to help ease the burden of medical expenses related to chronic disease, much like Valerie's fight and passing. 

All donations are very much appreciated no matter how small or large.  We invite the many to band together, and through strength in numbers raise a minimum of $12,000 for the award. 

To learn more about the celebration of her life and where her viewing is :!/Obituary

To Learn more about our application process, please visit:




The Amount you donate is the amount of discount you will receive on your ticket purchase to go view The Southwest Championships or for the Live Performance afterwards. Tickets go on sale very soon. Your donation receipt will give you details. 


If you or your company donates you are eligible for tickets to the events that are supporting this cause. If you donated as a ticket holder specifically then please message us for the coupon code for your ticket when they get released to the public so that you can get your ticket at the donation price. 


Here is a list of donation ranges to know what kind of set up at the southwest championships you can expect.


Donate the amount of money that you wish.

Once you've donated contact, to organize your set up at The Southwest Championships Main Event.



Chase Chaco Comrie 

MS Warrior and Founder of TCM Foundation

The TCM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) is charitable organization EIN 83-3409454. All Proceeds are non-refundable and will go to the mission of aiding families/individuals from financial burdens. To see all the fundraising for this case visit or , here is an agreement between the beneficiary of the fund and the foundation upon how the funds will be distributed to carry out out goals. No goods and services from the foundation were provided from this contribution by The TCM Foundation. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular tax payer.