Social Justice Co-op NL Donation Page: Resources for a Revolution of Care

The Social Justice Co-operative of Newfoundland and Labrador (SJCNL) has been an incorporated non-profit co-operative organization since 2013. We our a collective of people organizing and rallying for social and environmental justice in our province and beyond. We work with community partners and support local activists by bringing the community together to voice concerns and work collectively toward sustainability and fairness through a variety of formats; Events, meetings, campaigns, protests, and more. 

You can help us keep momentum going by sponsoring our work. Independent donors allow us an uncompromising political voice! Over the coming decade, we will need to educate, advocate, and organize with as much courage, conviction, and independent funding as we can muster!

Working together, we can bring about the social, political, and economic transformations necessary to avert climate catastrophe -- while creating better jobs, economic equality, healthy communities, genuine respect for Indigenous rights, food security, and a renewed hope in our collective future. 

We invite you to join the growing network of activists and organizers in NL who are working together to build a bright future for Labrador, Newfoundland, Nitassinan, Nunatsiavut, NunatuKavut and Taqamkuk. 

In cooperation & solidarity,


Donor Wall 42

Megan Hutchings | C$200/M

Peter Noel | C$104.54

Deborah/Susan | C$104.54

George Sheppard | C$52.47

Marilyn Reid | C$104.54

Sarah Worthman | C$52.34

Could not make it today because my partner got an unexpected work call, ah the joys of healthcare jobs! But keep up the awesome work!! - Sarah Worthman

Peter | C$75


Karla Hayward


In gratitude and solidarity ❤️✊

Alley | C$25/M

Lea | C$5.57/M

So grateful to be a part of the Revolution of Care!


Jamie | C$5.60/M

Simon Hofman | C$41.95/M

Anonymous | C$311.94

To the Co-op's dedicated volunteers, thank you for your innumerable efforts & your unseen sacrifices. To the Co-op's bold leadership, thank you also for your care & your courage (on display again today in two fine speeches). To the Co-op's stellar staff, thank you for devoting your many talents to a just & worthy cause. You all make this province of ours a better home.


Patricia | C$52.34/M

Michael Penton | C$26.38/M

Glad to donate to a great organization. Keep up the good fight for everyone to have a voice and be heard.

Neria Aylward | C$31.57

Nathalie Brunet | C$50

John Weber


Sarah | C$52.36

Jamie Miller | C$52.36

Robert Leamon | C$260.04

The Social Justice Co-operative is doing incredible work in the community and I am so grateful to be involved. I believe in the work we are doing and am inspired by the way we continue to pull together in a time of global uncertainty.Thank you all for being part of the team, keep up the fight for a better world. *solidarityfist*

Kerri Neil | C$26.38/M

Solidarity forever 💘

Reine & Tom Conway | C$519.63

Jason Conway | C$260.02

D Racette-Campbell | C$41.94