Hashtag Bully Project

Hashtag Bully is a grassroots anti-bully campaign that is built around Sharon Swanepoel's book, Hashtag Big Bad Bully. This book is relevant with an authentic and interactive story that captures the hearts of children everywhere. Its message is potent, family friendly and stirs the readers to self evaluations and transformative growth. It is a delightful and innovative 52 page anti-bully book with a strong family friendly approach to stop bullying in its tracks. The story inspires and captivates readers. A compelling list of thought provoking quotes that inspires transformative outlooks on life. It is packed with resources and combined with the Hashtag Pledge will inspire children to stand up against bullying everywhere. 

We are placing this anti-bullying resource in children's hands in schools, clubs, sports teams, youth groups, neighborhoods and events. 

Our donation cost to get a book into the hands of a child currently is $1. So One Dollar puts One book into the hands of One child. 

Your donation helps us eradicate this pervasive anti-bullying culture in our society by empowering children with this effictive anti-bullying resource. How many children do you want to sponsor today?

Your donations are tax-deductible according to the IRS rules for non-profit organizations.

Hashtag Bully is a division of GGMI, a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 56-2096303. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.