Dewey One Co.
Dewey One Co. is the parent company of TaxPayer Consulting Co. and The Dewey show network™. I are 100% dedicated to helping lower and middle class Americans who need help going against the irs. These folks are terrified because they can’t afford help and they feel that they’re going to lose everything. Well, that’s where Dewey One Co. comes in. Am I a tax attorney? No. However, I helped over 90 people just last year 100% PRO BONO! There are no gimmicks, no traps, no strings attached. If you need help, and you are approved after applying, I will help you for absolutely free. I also help veterans for free. The only downside to this is that I’m booking appointments and not charging, when I could be working for money. That’s where this comes in. I’m hoping people will realize what I’m trying to do and help supplement my income. My goal is to only book clients that can’t afford help. Need help? Reach out to me!
**Dewey One Co. is NOT a 501 (c)(3) you CAN NOT write this donation off**